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Rent a Copier
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Rent A Copier

Rent A Copier

Please send your query using this form below.

What function do you need in the machine? *

Do you need connectivity feature? *

No. of PC to be connected

Machine type *

Range of machine: *

Rent duration: *

Require on-site stand by: *

(* Required Field )

Canon Customer Care Centre
Level 3, No. 6-2-01, Canon Tower
UOA Business Park (Tower 6),
Seksyen U1,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor

Nationwide Customer Careline
Telephone: 1800-18-2000
Fax Number: 03-5567 9346

Official Working Hours
8.30am to 6.00pm (Monday - Friday)
8.30am to 5.45pm (every 2nd Friday of the month)

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, State Holidays & Public Holidays

Please refer here for other Canon Touchpoints.